My Cause

My Cause is to help bring Solutions of Resolve to our Dwindling Bee Life Population Crisis! I am utilizing ALL of my financial ventures, as a production Artist to help fund this cause of “Bee Life Population Restoration!” Details of some of the “Problems” that are perpetuating The Dwindling Bee Life Population Crisis & samples of “Solutions” are listed below, as well as how **YOU**, as an individual, may help if interested! There is a place for BeeKeepers, Bee Life Enthusiast, Contractors, HandyMen, Artist, Lovers of Art, Musicians, Lovers of Music, Content Creators, Viewers of Content, & Military Strategy Enthusiast for our “Special Ops BeeRescue Task Force” for “Time Sensitive Emergency Live-BeeHive Extractions!” …& Fellow financial Sponsors are welcome too! =)

I am Katalyst Love! A licensed production artist in Orange County California! Through my youthful friendship & assistance with Christopher Carlberg, co-founder of BeeRescueFoundation, I’ve become aware of a looping problem that has been perpetuating our Bee Population crisis! 
The problem is that, on top of an already dwindling population, Bees are getting exterminated at an alarming rate, out of “convenience”, at the request of fellow people! 
“WHAT!!!???!!!”NO WAY!” Right?”Persons!?” Who would do such a thing?”
Those who I’d like to believe, just “don’t *really know better”, but here are the facts: 
Bee families, just like people families, need a place to live & grow!  Sometimes the Queen Bee of an establishing hive, may choose to live or momentarily settled in a location that may be a little *too close, for the comfort level, of some humans! 
Example #1:  Bees settling into the eves & walls of a couple’s newborn baby’s room! 
Example #2: Contractors hired to complete a job where they discover that there is a beehive in the way, interfering with the completion of their work!  Some of the work & crew members, may even be allergic to Bee stings &/or the contractors may need to build *right where the Bee’s Hive is located! 
 Example #3: Management in property sales!  Open house held up by bees on the property!
& Examples #LMNOP: Car Dealerships, Hotels and a plethora of other businesses too, are inadvertently held up by unexpected “Pop-up Beehive communities”, that  Just like you and I, needed a place to live! 
In these problematic situations, one would think that; The “ALL SIDES WINNING *SOLUTION” is to send in a professional Beekeeper/ live Beehive relocation specialist! 
YAY!!! Right? Yes  & Sadly N0!
Time and time again it comes down to these 3 underlining Problems!  1). Uninformed /Unaware 2). Time 3). Money
How so?Bee Population Decline Problem = DBPP# 1):  Uninformed /UnawareThere are a lot of people that are still unaware that there are “Live BeeHive Relocation Options” when it comes to Bee family encounters! 
DBPP# 2). Time: The average “Live Hive Relocation” process requires more time than a quick and easy extermination. Unfortunately, out of convenience, some will choose to save “their time” to keep up with the schedule of their deadlines, over sparing the lives of the Bee Families! 
DBPP# 3). Money: Even if someone has the *Info & the *Time, it doesn’t always mean that they’ll have the financial budget, to choose to save the Lives of the Bee families!
The average cost of a “Live Beehive Relocation” is $350. & the average cost of an exterminator is $100. If the cash is an issue, & the Bees “absolutely must go”, Then anyone can see how it would be  Financially advantageous to move forward with an Exterminator @ only 100 bucks over a 350 dollar “Live Beehive Relocation specialist”………& sadly, there goes the loss of another Bee Colony Where we are already challenged with A Dwindling Bee Population Crisis! 
DBPP #4)  The Exterminators! The Exterminators themselves are individual people who needed income to assist with the cost of living like you and I! Exterminators are hired & trained to do a job, they’re doing what they are paid & trained to do to make a living! 
 ** So what’s the solution? To these problems of ours**
The solution To our DBPP #1): Of *Unawareness: of “Live BeeHive Relocation Options” is to help spread *Awareness of “LBRO!” 
The solution To DBPP #2):  Of *Time.Is to Create & or Appoint a “BeeKeeper Special Ops  Emergency Live BeeHive Extraction Task Force” with efficiency & Life of the BeeHive at top priority!
The solution To DBPP #3): Of *Money is to: create Sources of residual income to Ensure that funds would always be available to rescue any Bee’s life in danger of being exterminated for whatever reason!
Solution to DBPP #4) of The Exterminators! Intercept, financially compensate & collaborate with the Exterminators to team up with & or arrange for a “Live BeeHive Relocation Specialist” to fulfill the Bee Rescue! The bees don’t need to die, they just need to be relocated!

Now that “WE”, are aware of “OUR” Planetary problems & are presented with some solutions to help rectify these problems of “OURS”, what are “WE” going to do?  Sadly I’ve found it is easy to escape the “attachment of personal responsibility”, when presented with “grouping words” like “WE US & OUR” As it’s easy to imagine how the rest of “OUR” team can easily move forward & easily handle the tasks just fine without “ME!” Thus the team misses out on whatever strengths and resources I have to help push things forward in our favor!”We” are just individual “I”s. Be it 2 of “us”, a bunch of “us”, or all of “us!”  The more of “us” personal individuals involved, the better, the stronger!
So I am going to share *How, I, ‐ personally” as an individual “WE ‐ member” of the “US -Earth Lives”, see a way to help, bring restoration & resolve to our “Dwindling Bee Population Problem”, by utilizing these four previously listed solutions! 
“You, ‐ personally” as an individual “WE ‐ member” of “US -Earth lives”, can evaluate & utilize whatever resources that you may bring forth, to help in any way that you may see fit! 
 With our personal individual help combined, together we win the prize of “Our Lives” by saving & protecting Bee Lives! =)
** So How & What am I doing to utilize these 3 solutions to help bring restoration & Balance to our Dwindling  Bee Populations Problem? **

#1). Problem of Unawareness & The Solution of Awareness! 
Me:  I, as an Individual, am a licensed Orange County Production Artist, who will utilize my resources of videography equipment, time, energy and money to create and upload awareness videos to my YouTube channels and my social network platforms!
You: ¹ You, as an individual, can easily share these Awareness videos across your own social media platforms via copy & past video awareness links! You: ² If you too are a fellow videographer, photographer or content creator, then you too may create “Live BeeHive Relocation option”, awareness content! You: ³ Financially sponsor the production of these informational videos!We Together:  Utilize word-of-mouth,  Flood the internet & saturate the world with fun, short & simple informative videos to help spread the word of the Bee Life Saving solution of awareness of “Live BeeHive Relocation Options!”

2). Problem of limited Time & the Solution of an “Emergency Extraction Live BeeHive Relocation Special Ops Task Force!”
Me:  I, as an Individual, am Collaborating with the Local  Contractors, handyman & OC BeeKeepers Community, in the Creation of perhaps the 1st “Emergency Extraction Live BeeHive Relocation Special Ops Task Force!”E.E.L.B.R.S.O.T.F(ELBroso Taskforce)
You: ¹ You, as an individual, “Get in where you fit in!” If you are a  Handyman/general contractor & or a Pro-beekeeper, Novice beekeeper or an enthusiast,  especially with a “Special Ops military task force hair up your butt,” this is for you! Assemble & get it done! Quickly in-and-out with the lives of the bee families, leaving the place in better shape than it was when 1st arrived! You: ²  As an individual, If it is in your power to do so, you May financially sponsor these forms of emergency live beehive relocation extractions and/or financially sponsor equipment required to fulfill the saving of the bee families needing this form of helpful life saving service! 
We Together:  Are part of a KickAss solution to Saving bee families that are short on time!
3). Problem of Exterminators Just doing their jobs and the solution of   Intercepting the exterminator by Collaborating with exterminators by offering  Interception compensating  Collaborating with the exterminators to save the bees by offering 2x the compensation if they allow a Live BeeHive Relocation Specialist in their place!  Be saving interception plan Bee family saving interception plan
4). Problem of lack of funds & it’s solution of plenty of funds!
Me:  I, as an Individual, who is an Artist, I’ve created a movement behind this called BeeLove.Fun! Through http://BeeLove.Fun, 9 sources of residual income have been created to help fund the financial demand of Intercepting & Rescuing Bee families from exterminators by any means necessary! 
You: ¹ You as an individual, you too may also help fund this cause in various ways, some of which require no money at all!  =)
Following is a list of various Ways that YOU as an individual can help financially fund BeeLove.Fun, “this cause that helps us all”, ranging from $0 Dollar budgets on up to endless $ dollar budgets! 
#1). N0 cost $0 Dollar help options!A).   Interactively view our content online! Watch, comment Like & please subscribe. Our content is monetized, the more it is viewed & especially Interactively commented upon, the more income is earned for our cause to fund the frontline  Intercepting of Bee Life Families, from extermination! Create and/or watch your favorite video playlist of our content on loop throughout the day! This too will help fund!

 2nd way that you can help fund is to: Purchase BeeLove.Fun’s, fundraiser merchandise! Ie:  Art /music /decals
3rd way Rent/Lease Renting some of our BeeLove.Fun leasable Ambient Lighted fundraiser Art pieces 
4th Sponsor (Give send go till Foundation) ¹Sponsor a Bee Family saving  Interception from extermination at an average of $350.²Sponsor a time sensitive emergency special Ops task force escue live behind relocation at at $1500³Sponsor Bee Family saving Equipment expenses ⁴ Material expenses for artistic ventures created to earn income for this Bee Family saving cause